
As I mentioned already on several occasions before, the major reason for me to play MMORPG’s is the teamwork with other, real people. I really love working together with someone and enjoy the thought of being helpful and useful even more. On my server (actually I guess it’s on every WoW server) tanks are the most wanted class there is. I never had to look longer than 15 min. to find a group for an instance. Once you proved to be a reliable and skilled tank, you even get a lot more invitations per day :D. Sure you’ve got a lot of responsibility (if you die, your entire group gets usually wiped out) and while there’s no such thing as an easy-to-play class, I personally think that a tank is one of the most difficult ones in an instance or raid. In this video I show you a short but good example of good teamplay. While I keep those three mobs busy, my group mate (a shaman) places some totems to support us, attacks the same target as me (thus avoiding to provoke the other two mobs) and heals me whenever necessary. It was really fun questing with this guy and proved once again to me that it’s totally not necessary to do damage in order to be important or have fun! Furthermore I really started to like the shaman class ;-). Seems like those guys are pretty good in everything: they’re good at healing, do some nice damage and are useful for a group when using their totems.


  1. Enaya-Mannoroth-EU said

    In the old days, I believe, healers were much more needed, but this has eased somewhat over time, so that it’s true that tanks are the most needed class nowadays, even though Druid tanks and even Prot Paladins are accepted tanks. I noticed, because a couple month ago, I couldn’t be online with my warrior on evenings without getting constant group invites.

    On the topic “a tank being one of the most difficult classes”: I think it depends. Tanking multiple mobs as a warrior is extremely difficult, less so as a Feral or even a Tankadin. But single target or Boss Tanking can be quite boring, as it depends mostly on gear and healers to stay alive. Exceptions are of course when you have to move the boss around or you have to spellreflect an ability and such.

  2. NewMaster said

    Same opinion like Enaya,

    being a tank isn’t that difficult. Ok, when you’ve got to bind 3 ore more mobs, it’s getting a little hectic but only if other teammates don’t know how to teamplay. If they don’t watch sunders on your target and attacking wildly to show what great amount of damage they can deal, the following wipe isn’t the fault of they tank.
    Boss tanking can be boring, but there are a lot of situations where you need a good skill rotaion to keep aggro or pulling around the boss.

    And there are easy-to-play-classes. Play a mage in an raid instance 😉

  3. Enaya-Mannoroth-EU said

    Ey! My main is a mage -.-

    The time of Molten Core with Frostbolt – Frostbolt -Frostbolt is over.
    When being at Mount Hyjal the right timing of sheep, single target focus, AoE Damage isn’t that easy.
    Or Gruul. Where other classes just put their DoTs on the Boss you are having a hard time as a mage to do your damage.
    The many movement bosses these days are quite different then the good ol’ “tank’n’spank” boss fights of the past.
    If anyone, I’d vote for Warlocks as easy to play….

  4. warcraftonline said

    Oh dear, I seem to have started quite a discussion there :-)! I’d like to repeat what I said before: I do know that there’s no such thing as an easy-to-play class! Every class has its specific up’s and down’s. But from where I’m standing right now (noob position being lvl 46 :P) I’d dare to say that my role while doing an instance is the most complex/difficult one. A very good ingame friend of mine (priest) is only very busy if something goes wrong with the teamwork. Another good ingame friend of mine (mage) claims to be bored sometimes. So far I’ve never been bored and am always busy tanking as many mobs as possible to avoid losing one of my group-mates. It might be possible that this fact is somewhat easier for Paladin’s but for me mass tanking is pretty stressy ;-).

  5. Enaya-Mannoroth-EU said

    Hm, yesterday I’ve been tanking in Underbog normal mode, an instance which is for, I believe, low/mid-60 chars, as a pvp-specced Warrior in mostly pvp-gear and wielding my 2 handed Sword:
    Charge -> Sweeping Strikes -> Whirlwind -> Cleave 😀

    I can’t say it has been boring, but I think it wasn’t difficult at all, maybe for the healer (but he was level 70, too), but not for me.

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