Great Green Elekk

Yes, I finally hit level 60 and with it the possibility to purchase my new level 60 mount, the Great Elekk. Apart of the fact that it looks even cooler than my old one (yes that is possible :P) it also gives me a 100% speed boost instead of the 60% boost from all level 40 mounts. First I’m gonna show you an overview of the other level 60 mounts. After that you’ll see me hitting level 60 and getting my new mount, a Great Green Elekk.

Blood Elf – Hawkstrider

Bloodelf Hawkstrider

Dwarf – Ram

Dwarf Ram

Gnome – Mechanostrider

Gnome Mechanostrider

Human – Horse

Human Horse

Night Elf – Nightsaber

Night Elf Nightsaber

Orc – Wolf

Orc Wolf

Paladin – Mount

Paladin Mount

Tauren – Kodo

Tauren Kodo

Troll – Raptor

Troll Raptor

Undead – Skeletal Horse

Undead Skeletal Horse

Warlock – Mount

Warlock Mount

And finally the video about the Great Green Elekk. By the way: no comments about the song… I loved them when I was a teenager :P!


  1. NewMaster said


    even if I don’t like elekks 😉

  2. warcraftonline said

    What you don’t like Elekks?! Out of my blog :P!!!
    To be totally honest, my favorite mount is the Ram.
    I even have enough reputation to buy one but unfortunately the mighty and big Draenei look pretty lost on the back of a Ram ;-). Therefore the next best choice on the alliance side is the Elekk in my opinion.
    Kodos are cool too by the way… but obviously horde side.

  3. Enaya-Mannoroth-EU said

    I love Roxette!!

    Anyway, for my Human Mage I still use my Alterac Valley Battle Charger (Ram), which I obtained in the good ol’ AV Times, with 40 Player Horde Premade Groups as opponents, lots of Quests (e.g. the big Troll in the middle of the field), goblin shredders and some epic fighting – ahhh, I miss these days ;-p

  4. NewMaster said

    Good ol’ days… miss them too 🙂

    I must admit, Elekks aren’t that bad, ’cause you reminded me of Kodos. I REALLY don’t like them, because of their walking animation. They are just scaled bigger and got short leg, thus the animation looks too fast. You know what I mean 🙂

  5. warcraftonline said

    Well, I admit that I had to smile a bit when I first saw my new Elekk “gliding” over the landscape at a 100% speed boost… looks a bit strange indeed :-).
    But there’s no doubt that the ugliest mount in WoW is the Blood Elf Hawkstrider.
    Which is a shame because my alt is most likely gonna be a Blood Elf Priest ;-).

  6. Enaya-Mannoroth-EU said

    You mean the Chocobo? ^^

    I really do like the special Bird Mount from the Epic Druid Quest, unfortunately I never got the chance to obtain one 😦

  7. Cameron said

    what,raven lord mount?I don’t feel like killing him again..
    I disagree about the blood elf mount,I like it

  8. paldin said

    u left out the flying mounts

  9. warcraftonline said

    Thanks for your comment but in the beginning I actually left out the flying mounts on purpose.
    With this blog I originally wanted to give new information according to the progress of my character, Hekthor.
    But now I’ve got a flying mount and still didn’t add them here :-). So I’ll add them as soon as possible… thanks for the heads-up!

  10. Nick said

    i love the raptors on horde the best and no hawkstriders r cool and wolves on the horde side i like all the mounts maybe not kodo cuz it looks to fast i like all alliance mounts except horses, rams, and elks

  11. Nick said

    my fav horde i say would be the blood elf and my favorite alliance would be the dranei or night elves female dranei are the only good looking the guys r ugly night elves look both good looking and blood elves look the best in the game orcs ugly trolls look cool tauren look like bulls ugly undead ugly alliance humans look good gnomes ugly dwarfs ugly dranei kinda good looking only females night elves good looking

  12. warcraftonline said

    Woha, your post would have been much easier to follow if you had used commas from time to time :-).

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